Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!


jessi said...

Is it really called "Stone Town" or is that just what you Americans called it because everything was made of stone?

Next, let's go to Thatch City. After that - Lumberopolis!

Looked like fun.

Daylan said...

i swear that's the name jess! though it's rather uncreative, it does give you the right expectations. you say to yourself, oh, i think this town will be made of stone. and you get there, and lo and behold, it is!

Cherilyn said...

I love the quality chicks! How are you Daylan? (This is Cherilyn Spencer from WB)

Daylan said...

hey cherilyn! i'm leaving you a comment on my blog, in hopes you will see it. it's good to hear from you!! i was thinking about you the other day and how much you used to make me laugh on the mexico trip. how is your life? i'm sure you are an amazing teacher. what is your e-mail? my e-mail is, and i would love to hear about your life if you have the time!

Stevruski said...

Just stumbled across your blog recently - it's awesome to see your adventures and read about what God has been doing in your life! Amazing stuff

Take care and God bless! :)

-in HIS strength,
Stephen Leckvold
Ezra 7:10

Cherilyn said...

Here I am!

I have all of my funny stories on there! Go check it out for a laugh... read the one where one of the 4th graders tells his teacher, "Lay off the spicy foods, you're gettin' gassy!" Keep in touch, Cherilyn