Saturday, May 05, 2007

I apologize for being so long in the writing. I have been waiting for life to slow down a little, and it hasn’t yet. So I may as well stop waiting. The week flew by this week with the entire school doing standardized testing. The students are glad it is over, though I enjoyed having a little extra time to grade papers and things.

About a year ago, before I came to this school, one of the 5th grade students died in an accident at home. His name was Ben Mosby, and he was quite influential in the lives of my students. I talked with his mother and some of the other parents from my classroom to see what we could do to honor Ben’s life. He would have been in my class, after all. We decided that we would plant three trees in his honor. Those who knew him wrote about what they remembered about Ben. I never knew him, but as I read what they wrote, I started to cry. One boy in my class talked about how Ben was more than just a friend, he was a brother. It was really beautiful to read all the things they had to say about Ben. And I pray that the trees will flourish in their new soil.

Right now I am in the process of getting approved to take my class on a field trip to Mt. Longonott, which is a volcano. We studied volcanoes in science, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for them to hike. Unfortunately, it has been quite a headache to get all the logistics in order. We want to camp there over night, but it has all turned into a huge ordeal, too many hoops to jump through. Please pray that something would work out and that I would stop being stressed about it. I have an amazing “room mom” who has helped me out in more ways than I can count. I am so thankful for that.

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