Saturday, May 05, 2007

Some of you have been asking, and the answer is yes, I will be setting foot on American soil this summer. I will fly into Seattle on June 4th at exactly 2:15 P.M. I will spend a few weeks in Oregon, then I will be up in Alaska from June 22nd until July 10th. Then I will be back down in Oregon again until the beginning of August. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.


Simon said...

You shot the invisible swordsman!

KeriAnn said...

Day, hmmm, this is interesting. I don't know what kind of plans you have, but maybe we could coordinate a time to catch up a little bit. I also will be in Seattle and Oregon the first week of June. It would be fabulous to see you and sing together of long lost times at Java City.

Darin said...

Hey there Daylanator? How's life, liberty, and the pursuit of sillyness-joy-peanut-butter-and-oversized-snails-of-a-serious-nature? Swell, I trust. WElp, I was awonderin' if you were fixin' to come up to this here town (we can get in my daddy's pickup, drive to the Butte, and shoot squirrels!).
At any rate, it would be most gratifying if we could rendevous. Mein mutter and I were just discussing (no, of course, I still don't live with my parents.....) this and concurred on the postivity (negative "eloquent points") of this occurance.
OKee dokee. Laters!
