Tuesday, September 04, 2007

TIA... I just spent an hour putting pictures on my blog and writing about all my wonderful adventures this weekend, and now I have lost it all. Bah! So while I figure out what to do about my predicament, check out Kayla's blog. The link is on the right side of this page.


lori said...

Hi Daylan; glad I re-found your blog via Dayn's so I can keep up with your happenings throughout the year. Your shots of Alaska, especially Rabbit Lake, made me real homesick.

I did as you suggested and visited your roommate's blog. You people have a killer house - jimminy crickets.

Be well!

jessi said...

You want to hear something embarrasing? I don't know what TIA stands for. Trouble in Africa?

Also, guess who I had dinner with last night?

Your grandparents.

They were a delight.

Miss you!